European Standard - the CEN norm
EN 14468-1 norm for table tennis tables.
class A: High-performance Sport class B: Schul- und Vereinssport class C: Hobby Sport (higher quality) class D: Hobby Sport
Type 1: Stationärer Tisch mit Unterbau für die Tischtennis-Platte. Der Tisch kann nicht gefaltet werden. Standard Tische, nur Super Outdoor. Type 2: Stationary table with two seperate table tops with folded undercarriages. Standard tables. Type 3: Rollaway table with two table tops which can be folded independently from each other. Semi Compact tables. Type 4: Rollaway table with an undercarriage for both table tops that can be folded independently from each other. Compact and Automatic tables. Type 5: Rollaway table with an undercarriage for both table tops which can only be folded together with each other. Super Compact tables.